
Home School Agreement

As a Parent/Carer you will aim to:

  • Ensure that my child attends school every day and on time.
  • Explain any absence to the school on the first day.
  • Ensure that my child is properly equipped and organised for school.
  • Support the school’s rules about behaviour, dress and school uniform.
  • Attend all parents’ evenings and other opportunities to discuss student progress.
  • Encourage my child to produce good quality homework and coursework on time.
  • Inform the school of any problems that might affect the child’s behaviour or performance.
  • Generally take a positive interest in my child’s life at school.
  • Ensure that my child adheres to the school mobile phone policy.

The School will aim to:

  • Provide a happy, caring, stimulating and safe environment.
  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour by developing positive relationships between students and staff.
  • Provide a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum that caters for the needs of all students.
  • Encourage all students to achieve their full potential.
  • Keep parents regularly informed about general school matters and your child’s progress in particular.
  • Quickly inform you of any unauthorised absences.
  • Be open and welcoming at all times and offer you opportunities to be involved in school life.

As a student I will:

  • Attend school everyday and be on time.
  • Bring all the equipment and books I need every day.
  • Wear the school uniform properly (to and from school) and be tidy in appearance.
  • Be polite, helpful and show respect to other students and all staff.
  • Do all classwork and homework the best I am able to.
  • Be considerate to all our neighbours near the school.
  • Respect the school building, all its facilities and its resources.
  • Refrain from hurting others in any way and especially disrupting their education.
  • Respond positively to all reasonable requests from members of staff at the school.
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