

Ensuring all students are successful in their summer exams is a priority for us at Thamesview School. As per the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) regulations, we are required to pass on key exams information and expectation to all exam’s candidates.

This page outlines all the necessary information, requirements, expectation as well as support students will need for their summer exams.

As a guide, written exams for GCSE/A-Level will begin on 1st May 2024 and the exam season ends on 28 June 2024. Students and their parents/carers are asked not to book any holidays until 1 July 2024 at the earliest.

However, if on the unlikely case, on the day of your examination you are unable to attend you must in the first instance inform the school office. Parents/carers and candidates are reminded that the school will require full payment of examination entry fees should a candidate fail to attend an examination without good reason or without informing the school (we may request a medical certificate from your GP if you are unwell on the day of your examination). Please note, you may not be awarded the subject grade if you do not attend and/or sit your exams on the day.

If you have any questions you would like to ask please contact me via e-mail or phone.

Ms A Armitage

Examinations Officer

Tel: 01474 566552 EXT:1204


JCQ Information for Candidates 2023-24

Summer Exams Assembly PowerPoint PresentationSummer Exams instructions to candidate video


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